January Update

I had intended to post this last week, but between a website outage and a crippling headache, that didn’t happen. I plan on posting updates more often throughout the year, monthly at the very least.

The fourth draft of Gemtouched is done and out to gamma readers! That happened at the beginning of the month, which was great because I’d been trying so hard to get it done by the new year. I was only a few days shy of my goal. From what I gather in the realm of publishing, that’s pretty good!

Book three of The Gemtouched Memoirs is coming along slowly, but still making progress. I need to pick up the pace to reach my goal of 175k words by the end of April, which I anticipate is what I’ll need to finish the book. The pace I have to keep in order to do that isn’t too crazy—just over half of NaNoWriMo words per day—but with other projects in motion, I need to make sure I’m not ignoring it either.

Speaking of other projects, the new series I’m working on is getting sent to my writing group chapter by chapter, and they’ve been enjoying it! It’s an ambitious project (my group hasn’t grasped how ambitious yet), and it’s still going to need some heavy revisions to give it the quality it deserves, but I’m happy with how it’s going. That’s currently my main focus, getting the second draft (light revisions) done ASAP so it’s just ready to send to my writing group and I can focus on Gemtouched Memoirs 3 until I get feedback from Gemtouched again and need to work on those revisions.

I’ve got some D&D ideas brewing around, but I haven’t really touched them in a while. However, yesterday I got another pretty solid idea. I’ll probably putter around with it when I need a break from other projects.

However, in the D&D realm I have another Copper Bestseller! Tasha’s Corkboard of Notes reached Copper status in January, which made me very excited! It’s one of my favorite projects, in large part because it’s so different from anything else I’ve done. I just reread it and was laughing out loud at several things that I’d forgotten I’d come up with. Who expects to find a note from an orc?

I’ll be interested to see what the next month brings. It tends to be my best month for D&D stuff (go figure, the shortest month of the year), and I’m hoping that The Heart Thief will hit Electrum Bestseller with Valentine’s Day, which I wrote it for. I’ll also be attending Life, the Universe, and Everything (LTUE) in Provo for the first time (at least as a professional, I think I attended a single panel when I was 12). 

Huh, this ended up being longer than I anticipated. My goal is to update more often so that they don’t have to be this long each time. Keep a lookout for them!